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Thermal Transfer Ribbons - Wax
Thermal Transfer Ribbons - Wax
For use with thermal transfer labels on Zebra, Sato or Datamax brand printers.
  • Printhead Saver® and anti-static back coating designed to extend the life of thermal printheads.
  • Ribbon performance characteristics allow printing at lower temperatures and faster speeds, resulting in reduced printhead costs and lower overall energy usage.
  • Delivers dark, high-definition rotated and non-rotated barcodes, text, logos and symbols.
  • Durable and smudge resistant.
  • Highly sensitive allowing for lower print temperatures.
  • Prints at higher speeds - up to 12 IPS.

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Item Description
Ext. Price
Thermal Transfer Ribbons - Wax
W x LPrinter
Per Case
Price Per Case
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1.57" x 1476'Zebra6$34.78$33.94$33.10
2.36" x 984'Zebra36146.03142.50138.97
2.36" x 1476'Zebra36242.11236.25230.40
2.52" x 244'Zebra625.3024.6824.07
2.52" x 1476'Zebra36203.50198.57193.65
3.15" x 984'Zebra36211.63206.51201.39
3.14" x 1476'Zebra24167.09163.05159.01
3.27" x 984'Zebra663.2461.7160.18
3.27" x 1476'Zebra24172.93168.75164.56
3.30" x 244'Zebra631.6230.8630.09
3.54" x 1476'Zebra24223.27217.87212.47
4.02" x 984'Zebra24138.81135.45132.09
4.02" x 1476'Zebra24211.46206.34201.23
4.17" x 1476'Zebra6132.80129.59126.38
4.33" x 244'Zebra650.5949.3748.14
4.33" x 984'Zebra24159.07155.22151.37
4.33" x 1476'Zebra24235.60229.90224.20
5.12" x 984'Zebra24269.71263.19256.66
5.12" x 1476'Zebra24388.76379.36369.95
6.02" x 1476'Zebra12205.49200.52195.55
6.14" x 1476'Zebra6177.07172.79168.50
6.50" x 984'Zebra12133.92130.68127.44
6.50" x 1476'Zebra12217.81212.54207.27
6.85" x 1476'Zebra6183.40178.96174.52
7.09" x 1476'Zebra12194.83190.12185.40
8.66" x 1476'Zebra12286.02279.10272.18
1.57" x 1181'Datamax48156.02152.24148.47
2.01" x 1181'Datamax36185.53181.04176.55
2.36" x 1181'Datamax36152.25148.56144.88
2.52" x 1181'Datamax36204.10199.17194.23
3.00" x 1181'Datamax36364.97356.14347.31
3.50" x 1181'Datamax24126.74123.67120.61
4.02" x 1181'Datamax24162.29158.36154.44
4.02" x 1476'Datamax6126.48123.42120.36
4.25" x 1181'Datamax6101.1898.7496.29
4.33" x 1181'Datamax24176.46172.20167.93
4.50" x 1181'Datamax6107.51104.91102.31
2.09" x 1345'Sato36167.21163.17159.12
3.00" x 1345'Sato24168.66164.58160.50
4.02" x 1345'Sato24206.89201.89196.88
4.33" x 1345'Sato24209.35204.28199.22
5.98" x 1345'Sato12183.32178.89174.45
6.50" x 1345'Sato6177.07172.79168.50
4.09" x 502'Intermec660.0858.6257.17
4.09" x 502'Intermec660.0858.6257.17
4.10" x 1500'Intermec6132.80129.59126.38
4.33" x 502'Intermec663.2461.7160.18
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